Human cognition-inspired AI delivering business value and innovation

A comprehensive product suite powered by our proprietary AI technology using sophisticated machine learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) models.

TipTop’s Mind360 platform has core capabilities include Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Information Retrieval. Several novel, patented and patentable algorithms have been developed by TipTop over a decade to deliver insights on multimodal content in real-time without significant training of AI models. This approach enables faster time to value at a fraction of the costs and complements LLMs to solve more sophisticated problems at scale.

While LLMs are being used for analyzing organized documents and content, the challenge of segmenting and analyzing multimedia conversations does not lend itself well to that approach. TipTop stands out as the unique provider offering insights into any type of content at scale.

Mind360 AI platform has a wide range of AI models and capabilities. Here is a short list of the more commonly used ones:

ModelBrief Overview
Audio/Video SegmentationNatural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Information Retrieval for Multimedia Content Intelligence
Content Categorization & RankingMethod to automatically determine what attributes of products and services are important in decision-making process buyers follow, both in the aggregate and as individuals, and how products rank among each other in each of those attributes
Natural Language SearchMethod to search any content set to find exactly the right matching items given an input expressed in natural language
Behavior Analysis & PredictionMethod to determine exactly which customers are likely to be interested in specific offers based on a wide range of factors
Semantic AnalysisMethod to automatically connect disparate data sources using various novel techniques to extract metadata that links up data and content that is semantically or otherwise related

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